Monday, September 8, 2014

Movin' on Up!

September marks the eleventh month anniversary of the Parking Lot Diaries. To celebrate, we're moving on up to Facebook! Yeah, completely random anniversary date, but has anything about this blog made sense thus far? And things aren't bound to change any time soon. If you've visited this blog before, you're well aware of the type of crap you'll be subjected to.

Why do you keep doing this to yourself?

But more important...Will you be joining us on Facebook?

You're sure never to miss another Parking Lot Diaries entry. C'mon, you know you wanna!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Party of Three

This week on "Let's Hypothesize (How Crap Got Here)":

On the way to the bar, Madeleine and Adam are starving. Madeleine wants McNuggets, but Adam heard the chicken from McDonald's is made from "rib meat and weird chemical compounds". He scoffs at Maddy for her poor food choices. Madeleine argues that she was practically raised on four-piece boxes of the fried food. Adam wants White Castle because it's the lessor of two evils.

Madeleine counters "Adam prefers his burgers paper thin and boiled in onion water". Still, she's a good friend and for the sake of arguing further, she drives her rusted-out Buick into the lot of the tiny burger joint. After her friend places his order, they speed to McDonald's so she can down a box of McNuggets dipped in BBQ sauce.

Meanwhile, Ginger suppresses her hunger as she downs bottles of beer in the backseat. It's her twenty-first birthday and she's determined to get drunk for the first time.

Once in the parking lot, Madeleine and Adam have finished their quick meals and help Ginger out of the car. She's wasted and on the brink of collapse. The two friends lift the birthday girl to her feet, but she doesn't want to move any further. Adam argues that they're going to miss the drag show going on a couple blocks away. Madeleine wants a chocolate martini. Through slurred words, Ginger shouts, "It's my party and I'll do what I want to!" She then climbs back into the car and falls fast asleep on the floorboard.

Adam and Madeleine cast knowing glances at one another, shrug their shoulders, and get back into the car. The trio drive off, leaving evidence of an otherwise exciting night.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Just Add Injury

We cannot guarantee your safety or health when you enter this parking lot. And yet, day after day, week after week, we manage. It typically works best when you keep your head held high and don't make eye contact with anyone. Just park your car and go about your business. No meandering necessary. I mean, why would you risk it?

In the event you make a misstep or experience a momentary lapse in judgment, help isn't too far away. If ever you stumble and fall in the parking lot, perhaps busting your knee on the pavement or fall into some other obstacle (glass shards and dirty needles come to mind), simply reach out for a Band-Aid to cover up the wound. But careful, that's gonna leave a mark.

*NOTE: Any debris found in parking lot may contain bits of staph or other bacterium and/or assorted viruses.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Target Practice

Items found here at the Parking Lot Diaries have shown just how sketchy life in the city can be. Sometimes it's simply trash and other bit of litter; other times it's something of greater significance.

This week, we stumbled on revolutionary evidence in our parking lot: a lavender shotgun shell casing. I've never in my life seen gender-specific ammunition, because clearly, that's what this is. To say it's anything else, defines absurdity. The future is NOW!

Bravo to Smith & Wesson for understanding sex equality and realizing women own guns too! It's not just the women you'd see on Duck Dynasty, either. These are real women who enjoy city living. And they have target practice in our parking lot.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

I. Can't. Even.

Some objects in the lot defy explanation. So... Vomit.

I coulda sworn there was a barf bag around here somewhere.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Spread 'Em!

Let's face it, urban blight wreaks havoc on your feet. Dry callouses, brittle toenails, and a variety of nasty funguses could easily result if you spend any amount of time in the city. But this parking lot gives back and offers you tools to combat what ails ya. You just have to be lucky enough to spot 'em.

Spreading your toes is as easy as spreading pink eye in a public swimming pool with these gems. Toes and nail polish not included, but if you rummage through the contents of the Parking Lot Diaries, I'm sure you'll be able to find some.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Headache Support

If you have a headache, we're sorry to hear that. Fortunately, if you're passing through our lot, we may have just what you need to remedy your head pains. Spend hours mulling over choices hundreds of choices at your local pharmacy, or head on over to the lot for either Motrin or Aleve. They're both national brands and not that nonsensically questionable store brand crap. They're free here and guaranteed to cure what ails ya.* 

*I can neither guarantee these boxes contain medications, nor can I definitively state the contents are actually the drugs they claim to be. Look, it's a sketchy lot, not a reputable business establishment. Consume at your own risk.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Assault and Battery

Our sketchy lot has been known to be the location of scandalous activities, as evidenced by the array of items we find here. So, it goes without saying that it's not a far cry for the parking lot to feature squabbles that escalate to something more. But we're punny here and we use word plays quite frequently. This post is just another, so calm down. No one was harmed in the making of this entry.

Maybe we just to need to recharge from the weekend. There were lots of festivities the last few days and although our parking lot looks a little rough any other time, the revelry was certainly hangover-and-headache-inducing. But, alas, it's Monday and it's time to energize once again for the week ahead (again, with the puns. Don't judge.)

Monday, June 16, 2014

Sauced on the Lot

The food industry is a rough place to work. The wait staff on the front lines are the face of the business: refilling empty glasses, supplying extra napkins, returning plates for demanding consumers, among other things. Arguably, the kitchen is an even rougher...and more to work. High temps, sharp objects, and oil slicks are just a few obstacles the kitchen staff must maneuver around. It doesn't matter if you're working at a greasy spoon where the line cooks wear paper hats or a classy 5-star restaurant with linen napkins, the life of a restaurant employee isn't easy.

And sometimes when the work day is done, you just wanna toss your hairnet and enjoy a cold brew. Then smash that bottle and throw hot sauce confetti to celebrate an end to another shift. The Parking Lot is the place to be, no matter what occasion you're celebrating. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

A Shot Rang Out

A Jello shot, that is. We may have a sketchy lot, but not everything is about inner city drive-by shootings. Mmmkay? It may be litter, but occasionally we do have happy news to report here at the Parking Lot Diaries.

Clearly, some revelers were having a joyous celebration on the ol' pavement of our office building. The technique used to get all the alcohol-soaked goo from the little plastic tub is questionable. We all know the right person would have slurped out ever glob. A person familiar with these shots may have taken their finger to loosen up the Jello around the edges before sucking it down. A pro would have tactfully used their tongue all around (if there is any tact to be had when enjoying a Jello shot).

What remains here, folks, is the product of a beginner. We've all got to start somewhere, even if it is in this parking lot.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Axe Murderer

So, we've all see the Axe body spray commercials. If you're a dude and you use this stuff, the women just won't leave you alone. They'll practically be throwing themselves at you because you'll smell all macho and women just love macho-scented men. Great marketing campaign. But anyone who's actually inhaled this stuff knows a little spritz is enough to choke a horse.
I suspect a lady's man, wanting to make a fine impression on his lady friend whipped out this stuff to freshen up and she punched him right in the stomach as his finger readied to press the button on top of the can. Such an action from the woman caused her would-be date to drop the Axe in our lot right along with the rest of the garbage that lies here.
If you suspected this Parking Lot Diaries entry was about someone getting whacked in our parking lot or that we found an axe, we're incredibly sorry to disappoint. To date, we're happy to report there have been no axes nor axe murders in our lot. However, a large hunting knife with a retractable blade was found. This lot aims to please our morbid curiosities.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Celebration Cut Short

This morning brought about something that could be incredibly sad. When I pulled into work today, I spotted this gem. At first glance, it's just another empty bottle. Sure, we're used to the broken beer bottle and other such ale and hops riff-raff, but this specimen here is one of the finer varieties of alcoholic treats. Upon closer inspection, we see that there's quite a bit of sparkling wine in this bottle. Undoubtedly, this is what remains from a party cut short. I refuse to believe someone(s) simply didn't care for the taste of "Berry Fusion". Because, come on, it's berries, man. Who doesn't like the taste of berries?

Lot lizards, that's who. Lot lizards clearly prefer something citrusy. (And you thought that was a rhetorical question. Just goes to show ya, anything can happen on this lot. And it usually does.) 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Sweat It Out

Today's find is nothing short of creepy. It's a sweater. I think. Looks like the remnants of something washed ashore long after a missing person's report was filed. But, there's no body of water nearby. Here at the Parking Lot Diaries, we are highly suspect of anything that appears.

Sure, it could be another dirty, unassuming piece of someone's forgotten wardrobe, but its journey to our lot is certainly just as eerie.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Key to Success

As the sayin' goes, there's no such thing as bad advertising. The key to success is getting your name out there. Businesses and even people promote their products and services through a wide array of marketing devices. It's important to know who your audience is and to reach out and command their attention.
If you make your marketing materials functional, you can reach a greater audience. Advertising on an ink pen, for example, has the potential to reach many more people than the ad on the back of a weekly circular. That crap's gonna get tossed away with the garbage...but an ink pen, oh no. You've really got something there.
Plastic cups are good too, because who doesn't like a reusable plastic cup with your logo emblazoned on it? Loudly profess your love for your favorite pizza place or law firm when you're entertaining guests on your back patio while you're serving up bubbly brews.
In this lot, you'll find a bunch of gimmicky marketing tactics strewn about the pavement. It's really where garbage goes to die. Sometimes you'll find a pen advertising this place or that. Other times, you'll see marketing on the side of a discarded cup. Then again, you'll always have rare gems like this shopping cart keychain. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Balloon Knot

At some point in time, there was a celebration in our parking lot's adjoining brick alley. As evidenced in this snapshot, there's a busted a withered knot, a remnant from a blue balloon. Balloons are typically indicative of a good time, so its placement in our lot is questionable. It's also doubtful you'll find another dirty balloon knot of this sort on the internet.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

It's Just a Little Prick

There's only one thing I hate more than going to the doctor's office, and that's knowing I'm going to get a shot. It doesn't matter how big that needle is. Just the thought I'm going to endure the pain of a sharp metal object puncturing the surface of my skin is enough to tense my muscles up and flinch (which, ironically, is the exact opposite response you need for a "comfortable" jabbing).
What's more, is that there are actually people who purposefully endure needling themselves. More horrifying still, some people opt to do this dastardly deed in our parking lot, leaving their awkward evidence behind.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Quick! The cops are comin'!

This lot has provided evidence of many types of people:

Horrible Drivers
And other assorted assholes.

Now, The Parking Lot is new and improved, featuring THIEVES! This stash was free of cash*, but otherwise demonstrates the contents of the victim's purse. *Cash is king for all transactions (either consensual or forced) in the lot.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Lot Art

Art is a matter of perception. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So, rather than get annoyed with the amount of garbage in the lot, choose to alter your belief for just a moment. Perhaps it wasn't a careless litterbug who emptied their ashtray or discarded their McDonald's wrappers. Maybe they were making an attempt at urban art. Somehow trash doesn't seem so bad when you look at it through art-loving eyes.
Embrace the discarded chicken wing bones and the broken bottles. Admire the scope of the busted windshield glass. Heck, I believe I've seen broken glass all over the floor at artistic installation at the contemporary art museum. The stuff in our lot is so real, so gritty, so admirable. Take this Kleenex-henge. Oh, that form. Oh, the positioning of the snotted-up tissue wads. Pure genius!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Smoking May Cause Headaches

Because sometimes you just need to store your Marlboro pack in your Aleve box. Plus, it helps cut back on the space your freakin' litter takes up, making more room for even more garbage. If you're going to litter, please do so responsibly. Environmental harm reduction.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Like a Surgeon

If ever you need to conduct routine back-alley surgery or there's been a SARS outbreak scare, the Parking Lot is stocked with a face mask for whatever your needs may be. Please be advised, however, we cannot guarantee this item is free from holes, tears, or manufacturer's defect. Use at your own risk.*

*If you're on your way to a creepy costume party, and you're looking for form over function, what a fun little accessory!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Bloody Monday

The Parking Lot has become somewhat of a legend, at least to us, since its inception. Yeah, I get the benefit of working here every day, so I may see more than most. But colleagues who visit our building periodically for meetings comment on the random stuff they see in our lot. It's quite amusing to hear people compare stories about the randomness they find in our lot...serendipitously, and without looking for it. Fortunately enough, no one's terrified by what they find, but moreover entertained by the objects they spot. Then again, if they were terrified, they probably wouldn't profess their fear. At least not to us because the real fear is that we'd make fun of them. And rightfully so.

But then, there are things like this that not only defy explanation, but haunt us. The wound that caused these blood droplets on the pavement must be midway between paper cut and traumatic head wound. More questions are left than those that are answered. It's quite clear: there are blood stains on the concrete. Who they came from and how it happened will probably never be answered. Just another day in the Parking Lot, where anything can happen...unfortunately.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Bitterly Cold and Tons of Snow

We need to warm up stat! Fortunately, The Parking Lot has everything you need to make a fire. A lighter or a match will spark your flame. And mulch and discarded cigarette butts make great kindling.

*Please note, these pics were taken just before the Artic blast struck. You will have to shovel out these items. The Parking Lot Diaries is not responsible for unearthing unwanted items. Dig at your own risk!