Monday, January 27, 2014

Smoking May Cause Headaches

Because sometimes you just need to store your Marlboro pack in your Aleve box. Plus, it helps cut back on the space your freakin' litter takes up, making more room for even more garbage. If you're going to litter, please do so responsibly. Environmental harm reduction.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Like a Surgeon

If ever you need to conduct routine back-alley surgery or there's been a SARS outbreak scare, the Parking Lot is stocked with a face mask for whatever your needs may be. Please be advised, however, we cannot guarantee this item is free from holes, tears, or manufacturer's defect. Use at your own risk.*

*If you're on your way to a creepy costume party, and you're looking for form over function, what a fun little accessory!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Bloody Monday

The Parking Lot has become somewhat of a legend, at least to us, since its inception. Yeah, I get the benefit of working here every day, so I may see more than most. But colleagues who visit our building periodically for meetings comment on the random stuff they see in our lot. It's quite amusing to hear people compare stories about the randomness they find in our lot...serendipitously, and without looking for it. Fortunately enough, no one's terrified by what they find, but moreover entertained by the objects they spot. Then again, if they were terrified, they probably wouldn't profess their fear. At least not to us because the real fear is that we'd make fun of them. And rightfully so.

But then, there are things like this that not only defy explanation, but haunt us. The wound that caused these blood droplets on the pavement must be midway between paper cut and traumatic head wound. More questions are left than those that are answered. It's quite clear: there are blood stains on the concrete. Who they came from and how it happened will probably never be answered. Just another day in the Parking Lot, where anything can happen...unfortunately.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Bitterly Cold and Tons of Snow

We need to warm up stat! Fortunately, The Parking Lot has everything you need to make a fire. A lighter or a match will spark your flame. And mulch and discarded cigarette butts make great kindling.

*Please note, these pics were taken just before the Artic blast struck. You will have to shovel out these items. The Parking Lot Diaries is not responsible for unearthing unwanted items. Dig at your own risk!